Would not It Be Great To Be Locked In With
03/01/2014 Back To Blog
We constantly hear and read about these stories when locksmiths came very handy and have saved some situation by opening the doors. But what about those situations when it would be much better if locksmiths have never find our address or if locksmith trade was never invented in a first place? Cannot think of any situation of this type? Think harder we bet you will remember something; in fact we believe all of us at least once were in that kind of situation where we would be far better off if let locked in.
Stuck in office with the collogue you are secretly in love with
Most of us have at least once in our life found ourselves sharing our work place with great peace of hunk or great looking lady that besides you half of the office staff founded attractive and at the same time unreachable. Well how many times did you wish you were left locked in the office with that person?! How many times have you fantasized about locking that person in your office or room and throwing the key away? If the answer is many times do not be ashamed because all of us felt the same way at some point in our lives, even the locksmiths.
You are not leaving this room until you do this for me…
Another situation where it would be so great to remain locked in is when going to various state offices to sort out certain paperwork…the unfortunate thing with these places is that you are usually forced to go forth and back at least five times before you get the full detailed info on the papers you need to submit. Well if you would lock yourself in with the clerk working there we bet one time would be enough to get all the necessary info you need.
It would be great; but do not try these at home – you might get sued!