When One Should Break A Lock
03/01/2014 Back To Blog
We all agree how violence is definitely not the solution. Well at least not most of the time. - But what about when the violence is exactly the only possible solution? We do not intend physical violence against people, but those situations when breaking something might literally save your life? What about then? Is it ok to pick a lock or break a lock if it is for a good cause or literally for the skin salvation?
What emergency situations allow breaking a lock
It is quite obvious that if you are trapped in certain room or area, you have more than good reason to break out from the same. The situations of this type are definitely not a rarely phenomena and can be pretty benign but then again there are those times where these kinds of situations might come with disastrous consequences if initiative is not taken on time. Just imagine being stuck in a flat that was caught on fire. This kind of situation definitely does not allow any type of hesitation and lock braking is definitely right thing to do here. In fact it is recommendable thing to do.
Stuck with anxiety
What about those times when you are stuck somewhere and you simply cannot take the fact that you are stuck? It is not that you are late for appointment or you had other plans, it is just that the notion of you being stuck and unable to get out from somewhere is making you go into serious panic. Would this type of situation qualify for emergency situation or it would be defined as the type of situation that can wait a little bit more? Well the situations of this type are definitely seriously individual situation whereas the approach to the same has to be of that kind. Panic attacks are definitely not a pleasant experience and if someone is going through a bad one then the broken lock is definitely a small scarification for his well being. If on the other hand person in trouble will be reassured just with the fact that the emergency locksmith service providers and mobile locksmith service providers are on their way and once they come they will be implementing emergency lockout, lock replacement, lock change, lock rekey and all the other necessary actions and measures in no time, then the wisest thing is to wait for the professional locksmith service providers.